Thursday, February 17, 2011

my mom's baked beans

homemade baked beans are very simple to make. i double this recipe, everytime i make them.

1 pound of dry  beans                  1/4 pound salt pork
1 tsp salt                              1/4 cup molasses
1 small onion(chopped fine)  1 cup white sugar
                         1 tsp dry mustard
sort through your dry beans,picking out any non bean stuff. rinse the beans. put into a pot,add water to cover beans. soak over night.
                 add salt and boil gently for 45 minutes or until skins break. about 15 minutes before done boiling,add 1/2 tsp baking soda(this helps the skins 2 break)mean while, make cuts through rind of salt pork,about 1/2 inch apart.  when done remove from stove,drain and rinse.
                 mix molasses,dry mustard,sugar,onion and enough water to cover the beans. cook on top of the stove for an hour. then bake for 4-5 hours with cover on. remove cover about 1/2 hour before done to brown them. check the beans once in awhile to make sure they have enough liquid,so they wont burn,add extra water if needed.

                  follow the recipe,until you get to putting them in the oven. pour the bean mixture into crock pot. cook on low for 4 -5 hours. check once in awhile 2 make sure the beans dont go dry(add a little more water if needed)

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